It has been a busy winter of long hours at work for me so no time for sewing for myself. I did however find the time to design and make shoulder bags for my Mum and Sister. I used my favorite bag as inspiration and here is what I made.
I made zip purses for all my friends and family, about 15 in total and pencil cases for the Teachers.

Amy Butler Corduroy and lining for my Sister. My next project is to make myself a matching one, I was a bit sad to give it away.
I made the zips go down the sides of the bag so they open nice and wide and can fit loads of stuff in, as all good bags should.
Cath Kidson Corduroy shoulder bag for my Mummy, I got the lining fabric from my local fabric shop and a selection on zips from Ebay.
My Mum loves her bag and it has already been to work with her to London.